Sunday, September 26, 2010

Operation: Explore New Area

Let's face it. Moving sucks. It really does. There's no way around the fact that packing up all your belongings, squeezing them into a U-Haul or moving truck, and starting over in an completely unknown area is not only stressful, it's exhausting.
But that being said, there is an upside to a new place: Exploring. I'm talking new shopping, new markets, new restaurants, cafes, and "sweet spots" (i.e. the running/biking trail 3 minutes down the road from my house!!). Whenever the husband and I have free time, we grab the keys, jump in the car, and just drive.
This weekend was no exception! Although it was 90 degrees outside, it was a fall day and we were going to live it up: Southern fall style.  

Although it was adorably quaint, I'm used to New York and Maine apple orchards where you could literally get lost in the orchard. We didn't quite make it to the fruit trees, but there were bushels of {overpriced} apples everywhere in the store. And an endless supply of fruit flies. I shudder at the memory.  1/2 a peck of assorted apples, one 1/2 gallon of delicious apple cider, a bag of banana chips, and $14.95 later we were back on the road.

And yes. $14.95. Is this normal down here? That would have gotten me nearly a bushel and a gallon back in Maine!

This former mill, now gas station sparked an ongoing conversation that remained til the days' end.

"Just remember how long ago 1980 was and that thing has been there 200 years longer. That's insane."

"When this general was born, {this comment will make more sense soon} that mill was already there for over 150 years."

Kind of crazy, right?

 Nothing warms my heart like the sight of fall showing up each year. Granted, when in school the visual brought with it complete dread for all things academic. Don't get me wrong, I loved to learn. It was the homework! And the exams. And early classes....

But the pumpkins, apples, cider, hay rides, corn stalks, apple crisp, apple muffins, cider donuts, crisp and cool mornings...

Now that I'm in the hot south, it's a wee bit difficult to connect the pumpkins with fall feelings, but it definitely warmed my soul.

Free samples are just as awesome at country side stands as they are at Sam's Club or Costco. Right? Anything free is awesome! Well, other than that disgusting "Take me!" sofa on the roadside we've all seen that has sat more human beings than we'd care to know...

I was handed this little cup and was told, "Try to guess what this is." Really? That can't be good. It smelled like pizza dough... Thankfully, it was homemade peach ice cream. I could hardly taste the peach, but it was good!

 <~~ As you can see, the homemade peach ice cream was a success! Though not good enough to go make a purchase I guess. Nonetheless, it was a fun adventure!!

More to come!

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