Saturday, December 18, 2010

"We're On Our Way!"

The house (okay, our room...not the entire house. I'm too much of a neat freak to make that admission!) is a disaster as we prepare for our trip to Maine for Christmas! Clothes, shoes, and toiletries are in piles everywhere (some organized, some messy), and the suitcases are out and ready to be filled. 
I am so excited!!! 

In the next 72 hours, we will be here:

  {Whoever this picture belongs to, I apologize for the lack of credit! I have no idea where I grabbed it from!}

And here:

I confess it isn't Rockefeller Center we are headed for, but a few hours further upstate. But I thought to myself, New York City at Christmas is far prettier than Albany-ish, New York. That and unless you have lived there yourself, you won't even recognize the city. Rockefeller City it is! (I'm secretly hoping we do take a pit stop here though!) 

And finally, here:

Home at last! It will be 3 straight days of driving nearly 6 hours each day ~ and we are bringing Miss Scarlett. So this should be interesting! We're packing tons of books and music and bringing our Christmas spirit! It should be nothing short of a blast!! I can't wait to see all my family in PA, NY, and ME! 

Have a wonderful weekend everyone! 



Jen McDade said...

yay! So excited to meet up with you guys tomorrow! Let the fun times begin! And why no picture of Albany? Don't be hatin'! ;-) You should download a bunch of podcasts for the road. Including that Mark Driscoll one I wanted to discuss with you!

Regan said...

Strom is on it! He has a bunch ready to go - I'll have to grab that one tonight! Hopefully I can listen to it in time to discuss it! =) Can't wait to see you!! (And trust me, I'm not hatin'! I loved living in NY!)

Barbi said...

yay! Have a blast!