Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Christmas List

And so, I bring you my second annual "For the Last Minute Shopper" list!

If your gift-giving adventures this Christmas season have been anything like mine, you have experienced confusion, cluelessness (yup, I make up words!), and even frustration. My husband will tell you that I typically disregard the gift ideas people give me in sight for my idea of a perfect gift. He always says, "Just give them what they are asking for!" But I can't. I know better than them! ;) 

With that being said, I feel for you. That is why I am here! Compiled is a list of personally tested, personally loved and personally adored items. It's a smaller list than last year, but hey, we all need to be wise in our spending! If I help just one person find a little holiday shopping peace, then it is an accomplished mission!

1. If history holds little interest for you, perhaps it is because it has always been told in a boring fashion. Give Being George Washington a chance and have your mind blown. Learn of George Washington in a way you never heard before!
2. Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy by Eric Metaxas is one of the greatest reads I have had this year, and quite possibly in my lifetime. Your life will be changed by Bonhoeffer's amazing character.
3. The Zion Covenant Series - quite possibly the greatest series I have had the joy of reading! Another way to learn history in an exciting adventurous way!


1. The Help was the best movie I saw in the theater this year. I don't typically purchase movies anymore, but this is one I would own myself. I promise you will love it!
2. Each year I find new music artists that capture my attention, and this year's artist is definitely Gungor: Beautiful Things. Simply amazing talent with a splash of pure funkiness!
3. ClearPlay is an amazing product that allows you to load filters for movies that actually silence and remove unwanted language and compromising scenes. My family has been a huge fan since they hit stores years ago!

Unique Ideas
76 Garments is a company I am excited to share with you! What better way to share their ethics and values but in their own words? "Doing it the hard way means doing it right. Our shirts are made and printed in the United States because sometimes shortcuts just don’t cut it. We’d rather support American industry and pay honest wages than save a few bucks. Embracing the truth means wearing it on your sleeve, chest, or wherever our shirts are emblazoned with uncompromising food for thought..."  (Continued...)

1. I'm not kidding when I say I want to eat my hands every time I use my Vanilla Bean Noel lotion. The scent is Christmas in cream form. (I am smelling my hands right now!) 
2. BlogStomp just might be the greatest invention in the blogging world. It uploads, formats, sharpens, and stomps your photos in seconds. It's perfect for the photographer or blogger in your life! It's pure awesomesauce. 
3. My husband treated himself to this unique hat from Gasden & Culpeper this fall, and I must say, it's pretty cool! There are many styles and features to choose from for the hat-wearing man in your life!
4. For the impossible person on your list, Shari's Berries can come to your rescue! They are truly as delicious as they look - even more so. Worth. Every. Penny.

Thankfully, I am done our Christmas shopping! And thanks to Dave Ramsey, we don't owe anyone a penny this Christmas! It seems frustrating to be putting money away for Christmas presents in March, but I will tell you, come December when you look at your budget and realize it's all paid for!! It brings a happy smile to your face!

Merry Christmas and happy (and wise!!) shopping!

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