Friday, February 3, 2012

New Find: The Civil Wars

I don't know about you, but I love the moment I find a new music artist. Love love love. I (as well as every member of my family for as long as I can recall) EXHAUST my music and movies. I mean, to the point where I/we can no longer think about said-movie/album, let alone watch it/listen to it again. It's bad, people. 

(This is the reason behind my inability to sit through A Knight's Tale, The Italian Job, and I hate to say it, listen to Rascal Flatts...gah! I miss you, sweet boys!) It takes a true winner to withstand the excessive usage in my house. (Band of Brothers, you made the cut!) 

The moment I heard The Civil Wars playing through my laptop speakers, I was in love. Like, Band of Brothers in love. I may have played their title track, Barton Hollow three or four dozen times over the last few weeks. Just maybe. I'm happy to say, they've made the cut.      

This weeks ups & downs for ya!

*Falling in love with The Civil Wars. Their harmonies are unreal. A mixture of sweet talent and southern inspiration makes them irresistible. They make me want to run through tall grass barefoot and catch fireflies. (Ahh is it summer yet?!)
*This amazing Virginia weather. I wore a short sleeve shirt yesterday. In February!!
*My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers. Every single day the Lord has spoken to me through this amazing little devotional. I look forward to each morning getting to read it!

*The news. The real news. Not the mainstream media stuff. It's so depressing. All I can say is God is on the throne... Amen and amen.
*Throwing my back out. Yeah... it's not much fun! (I'm on the mend though, thank the Lord!)

Hope you all have a lovely weekend!

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