Monday, March 26, 2012

Cherry Blossoms... & Hunger Games

It was like a scene straight out of Anne of Green Gables. Or a vision in Narnia. Perhaps I was daydreaming in Pride & Prejudice land... whichever it was most like, it was simply beautiful. Sitting on a hillside, a good book in my hands, spring breezes flowing through the trees, petals softly fluttering to the ground... It was a perfect afternoon. A scene almost straight out of a movie. I would look up from the pages of my book every few moments and just smile. Smile for the weather (Virginia is seriously amazing!), smile for the aromas (between the smells of spring and the local bakery up over the hill, my sense of smell was on overdrive!) and smile for God's beautiful care in His creation. Every spring, the earth comes alive. Without hesitation. His handiwork is seen in every blossom and in every birds' song. 

Speaking of Hunger Games! Who saw it this weekend?? I was the girl who started book one two days before the movie premiered. Yup. That was me. I had two afternoons to get the thing done and I made it happen! I may or may not have read the last 1.5 pages literally IN my theater seat, but I finished it in time! I never do anything (at least I strive great lengths to) that hordes of people flock to; if something is popular, chances are I run the other way. I felt nothing one way or the other over Hunger Games, but my family flew through the series over the last few months (even my hubby!). So, I finally caved when I realized Strom would see the movie with or without me. 

So, to whoever saw it, what did you think? I now wish I read the books sooner, because I was able to point out every single missed detail, it having been so fresh in my mind... But I enjoyed it!! (And honestly, it's 2.5 hours, how much more detail does a movie even have time for?) It follows the book as close as I have ever seen a movie do. The characters are all well represented, and the action well-done. The relational intricacies and emotional elements aren't fully conveyed (yet another time issue, I'm sure!) but overall, it was great and extremely enjoyable! My word of advice is to definitely read the books first. You get so much more out of the movie knowing the extra details and thoughts of Katniss Everdeen, the lead character (the book is written in first person, so all the narrative is missing). I'm not one that likes movie spoilers, but in this case the books are a plus beforehand! And that's my two cents! 

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