Thursday, May 17, 2012

50 Years: Dick & Lynn

They met way back when before John Travolta was the face of the Greasers, and Dick was the real thing. It didn't take too long before Lynn realized she loved him in all his slicked black hair glory and had found something true! A proposal on a porch swing, a New York wedding, 4 children and an ever growing number of grand and great grandchildren had brought them to this special day.

On May 5, Dick and Lynn celebrated 50 years of commitment to each other, and it was a blessing to every person who was there to witness it. In a day and time where marriages last but a moment, this beautiful couple was a testimony to diligence, sacrifice and true love. 

To Dick and Lynn and their beautiful (and quite large after 50 years, I might add!) family, it was an honor to capture this day for you. It was nothing short of a beautiful celebration!

Lynn, you are simply beautiful! What a face of joy.
 A day worth celebrating! 

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