Monday, October 4, 2010

Market Day

Before we were married and our relationship consisted of phone calls and Skype dates from Afghanistan, we used to dream about the days we would be able to hop in the car together and end up at a farmers' market, walking around together, hand-in-hand, sipping delicious coffees, and having lunch at a quaint cafe.

The funny part about our Saturday trip was that it wasn't until we were walking back to our car that it dawned on me that this very day was what we spent 3 years waiting for!

This weekend's road trip brought us to Roanoke's City Market. As a kid my family and I would travel through Roanoke on our way home from visiting family in Florida. It was just a pit stop name for me for years, so it's quite amusing to now travel in that direction for pleasure!

 Looks a little like a secret service member, doesn't he?

They all said "Chocolate" something or other. We just stared and backed away slowly. Homemade chocolate goodness can not mean good things for staying healthy!

Our dream dog is a Boston Terrier. We couldn't help stop and meet this little gal! 

Vintage cars and farm equipment lined the streets of the market. 

Bees. Lots of bees. What's a market without homemade honey though, right?

We just stared at that green thing top and center. What is it?? No idea. 

I've never seen anything like this pay-system. You put your coins or bills in those little slots and push them in with a little metal object. I couldn't help but think it was archaic. Vintage even. But maybe I'm just weird for never having seen this before! (Now that more money was added, back to have more fun!)

Our lunch in the dreamed-of quaint cafe! Of course he must be silly at all times!

A lovely day in the market! Maybe it was the abundance of fresh-picked apples, or hot cider for sale...The pumpkins at nearly every stand, or the bales of hay seating for the folk musical duo in the market center (who by the way, sounded exactly like James Taylor...It was almost freaky!) or maybe it was because the air was fiiinnaaallly cooler!! But Saturday actually felt like fall! It gave this northeastern girl some hope for the season change!

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