Friday, October 1, 2010

Organization is Here - Finally

For the past month and some change, we have been living out of laundry baskets. Baskets of every day clothing, baskets and boxes of PT and Army gear. There were piles here and there of socks and what seemed like endless loads of clean laundry... Although I desperately tried to make sense of it all (who would think just two people would have such a dilemma?) it was doomed to fail.

 ACUs, PT gear, "guy clothes"... If you could have seen the rest of the room/closet...

Have you ever seen so many socks?? Green socks, brown socks, tan socks (all Army and all nasty, to be honest), Hanes socks, black dress socks... I think I myself have maybe 7 pairs total...?? Unreal.

And then, after a month of searching and two weeks of waiting, the furniture warehouse called to alert us of their delivery time that day. It felt like Christmas morning!!

And here they are. I could squeal with delight!! 
 I actually did. My husband can affirm that.
(And I promise you, the chest is not leaning ~ did the scene from While You Were Sleeping pop into anyone's head? Joe Jr., "He looks like he's....leaning" yeah, anyway), it's just the camera angle).

Aren't they thee coolest handles?? They remind me of an old, vintage mail box. I think they're what I love most about the pieces. That and the fact that our clothes are organized perfectly and peacefully in those lovely drawers.

Now we just need to find night stands....And soon.


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