Thursday, October 21, 2010

Weekend in Texas!

This past weekend (October 16, 2010 to be exact), one of my favorite people on the face of the earth married her best friend ~ and I was lucky enough to be a bridesmaid in her beautiful wedding! It was a whirlwind of a weekend that began at 0015 hours Friday morning when my alarm so rudely blared at me to get up. Alas, it had to be done to catch our flight out of Raleigh, NC at 0600 hours. It's a good thing I love the bride so much because it was brutal! 

I've never been to Texas, nor has my husband, so we made it most of it the second we landed in San Antonio! Thankfully, the weather was pleasant and comfortable. Something that is rare in Texas from what I've been told. We headed over to the famous River Walk just to say we'd been there. As a girl from the East Coast (and New England for the last 7 years) I found the place to be completely outside the norm for me and most definitely a lot of fun!

It was a brief run though town, but it gave us some lasting memories! Particularly this guy that sat near us during our lunch....

I really don't have much to say about that other than they were entertaining!! He was a fiddling gymnast...Obviously, right? Texas is a unique place! ;)

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