Monday, November 8, 2010

Military Appreciation Formal

This past weekend my handsome husband and I attended a banquet thrown in honor of our amazing military. We ladies absolutely love an excuse to dress up, but even more so, we love to see a man in uniform! You cannot argue that and you know it. Put the two together, and you have a recipe for success! 

Upon getting ready for the evening, I went through my check sheet: Dress? Check. Shoes? Check. Jewelry? Check. Hair and make up? No problem. I was all set to go without a hitch. It was the husband that decided to become the last-minute man. When he pulled his uniform from the closet, the unsightly scene of wrinkles caused a groan. His Dress Blues had been hanging up since our wedding and most definitely required some attention. I asked him how bad it was and the response? "There is no 'how bad' in the Army. It's either wrinkled or it's not. There is no in between, babe."  Duly noted. And believe it or not, we did not have an iron in our possession. So off to Walmart we went to acquire one. 

Crisis averted. 

But it didn't end there. The uniform assembly proved that his bow tie was MIA. We went through his tough boxes, his backpacks and duffels, closets and drawers. He did a run through of uniform regulations to see if he could get away with a neck tie.  But unfortunately for him, the banquet was after "retreat," (sundown for all you civilians) therefore the neck tie was avoided. Off to the mall he went to hunt down a bow tie. 

Unfortunately, it didn't end here. As we were about to head out the door, he realized he was missing a ribbon for his coat. We searched the tough boxes, the duffels, the closets, the drawers. Nothing. Three times we said "Forget about it" only to continue our search. At the last minute, the ribbon (awarded to him for good conduct in the Army) was discovered and we were finally on our way. 

Who would have thought it would be him and not me running around last minute? Lucky for me though, he handles stress a little better than I do. I suppose it is from all his years in the Army, living the "hurry up and wait" lifestyle. It was all worth the running around and unexpected purchases though ~ he looked quite dashing if I do say so myself! I truly would not mind seeing that uniform come out every weekend! 

The formal was of course enjoyable! A 14+ piece band playing music of the 1940's serenaded us throughout the evening ~ which always goes over well in my book! And as you can see, there were desserts and coffee. Another major winning aspect of the evening! The night concluded with numerous testimonies given by children of Service Members, an Army wife, and several prior and current Service Members. One of which happened to be our good friend (and fellow Green to Gold guy!).

 {Our closest friends here ~ I don't know what we'd do without them!}

{The night just wouldn't be right without one of these faces!}

But the night wasn't quite over. Like kids from the countryside would do on prom night... Our clan hit up the movie theater after the banquet! I can't say it was the most comfortable time I've had seeing a movie, but it certainly was the most memorable! You only get dressed up to the nines so often... One must take full advantage of feeling like a star for the night! 

It was most definitely a night to remember! If heels didn't kill my feet after a given number of hours, I think I'd like to make a ritual of this evening!

PS: My husband found his bow tie the morning following the banquet. Go figure.

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