Monday, February 7, 2011

Cupcakes: Mission Accomplished

Remember last week I had that insane craving for cupcakes? Well, mission accomplished! As you can see from the photo above, I finally made them. And wouldn't you know... When it came down to it, I couldn't bring myself to eat one. Yes, I did have a nibble so I knew I wasn't poisoning our super bowl gathering, but I didn't have one. I just couldn't. I am the most boring person alive! But I do believe they were a hit at the party, so I feel satisfied enough!

They started out like this: (Which is uber nerve-wracking to a non-baker! Who knows if they're going to turn out??)

And when all was said and done, they turned out looking like this: 

So all in all, not too shabby. A sandwich baggie-turned icing bag isn't the best way to make your icing all swirly and beautiful, but it did the job. Sort of. I will say though, the icing is ahhh-mazing. I confess I had a couple licks of that goodness. 

So there you go! My craving-to-reality. Let me know if you give them a try! I promise (from my one little bite) that they are very yummy! And quite easy to pull off! 


Jen McDade said...

oh come on. You tempt me with them, I finally indulge and eat 3. You have a nibble. You are boring! I hope you have leftovers tempting you and you actually eat a whole one!

BTW - someone else must have seen your blog post because someone brought chocolate cupcakes with PB frosting to the superbowl party we went to last night!

Regan said...

Haha that's too funny! I wonder if it's this recipe! =)

Yeah, I left all the cupcakes at our friends' place. Not going to be tempted in my house! haha I'm trying too hard to be healthy!