Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Speaking of Valentine's Day...

Today was one of those days. It wasn't good, it wasn't bad... It just was. I came home from a long afternoon and put my stuff away (which included a seemingly endless amount of groceries *sigh*), and set out to find the mailbox key. Why is a key always so hard to find? Seriously, people. Having to even unlock my mailbox is new for me. I spent the last 7 years of my life preferring to drive (or at least power walk) to the end of my almost-500ft driveway to get the mail, with the only eyes on me belonging to the squirrels and trees... Now when I step outside my townhouse, call me vain but I feel like the entire complex watches me walk to the community mailbox. C'est la vie . Anyway, key in hand, I opened that skinny box and reached in and found a little package with my name on it. Getting mail is huge since we rarely get anything but credit card offers. It also said "Strom" on it, but yeah, I didn't wait. 

I tore into it and found this: 

An adorable little Valentine's Day care package from the dearest friend anyone could ask for. (In case you're reading this, Freddi, I love you!). I said yesterday that Valentine's Day is all about showing love and making someone feel special... I felt awfully special to be thought of! It absolutely made my day. God is good. 

PS: How cute are these?! 

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