Wednesday, June 1, 2011

To Friends & History

In this crazy mixed up military life, you meet some pretty great people along the way. And sometimes (and quite often in my case!) you don't actually physically meet them. Some of my dearest friends took years to meet (and yes, my own husband waited 6 months to meet his then-girlfriend!) I'm ca-razy, what can I say? I love it.

Gretchen and I met nearly 4 years ago in a military girlfriends support group on Facebook (holla!) and we managed to stay very good friends without ever having met up for a cup of coffee, or even a shopping trip. I say in this day in age, that's pretty impressive on behalf of our communication skills! :) Well, I am happy to finally say that Gretchen and I are no longer just Facebook pals. This past weekend we (plus our very sweet and patient husbands) journeyed into D.C. for a sweltering afternoon in our nation's Capital. (Yay!!) I have proof this all took place:

I have to apologize for the lack of pictures. It was unbelievably hot outside, so we moved at the speed of human light to make each destination and I rarely reached for my camera (*GASP*, right?) It's also a bad habit to become somewhat familiar with a place and pass on a photo op. Oh well, I have the memories to make up for it!

After an extremely crowded run-through at the Air and Space Museum (brought back so many childhood memories!), we took off for the one place in D.C. I had never been to: the Holocaust Museum. If ever you get the opportunity to visit one of the Holocaust Memorial Museums, I highly encourage you to take advantage of it. It was a very humbling experience and I (we) were very impressed with how well done it was. There really are no words to describe the feeling of seeing hundreds upon hundreds of decaying shoes and piles of personal affects that belonged to those who endured such terror. You just have to go and see it for yourself. I promise you it is worth it.

Confession time. I made a stink about the restaurant-choosing process. It's kind of a fault of mine. Surprised? :) My beef wasn't necessarily the food or service, I just wanted a quiet restaurant where the four of us could chat it up. It took years to meet up; I would not have an impossibly loud establishment ruin that! So yes, I voted for a new restaurant. After we already were seated. I'm that girl. I know. But that landed us at the District Chop House again - definitely not something to complain over! :) It was worth it.

And just like that, the day was over and we parted ways at the Metro, both headed in opposite directions.  I'm so glad we were able to make the visit happen! It sure took long enough! It was a pleasure to finally meet you, Gretchen! :)

1 comment:

Mysh said...

I'm glad you got to meet up! I went to the holocaust museum when I was 16 taking a holocaust course in school. We flew to DC for the day just for that, it was haunting... We brought this woman who was a survivor with us, that really made it real. I bought a star of David coin that says to life that I wore as a necklace for years and is now a bracket. Also part of the reason my tattoo is the coexist symbol :D glad you got to go, every person should