Unlike most people, our family celebrates the bulk of Christmas on Christmas Eve. We don't wake up at 6am to open gifts... We stay up til 2am opening them! It's a beautiful tradition of darkness, candlelight and Nat King Cole that we have all fallen in love with! The one exception to this holiday order is precious Evan. He's a little too young to stay up with the big kids, so Christmas morning was full of "oooh's" and "aahhh's" from the little man. It was so fun to watch the delight on his face as he slowly begins to understand that Christmas isn't any ordinary day!
After all the gifts were opened and paper thrown away, we got our relaxation on. Books were read, toys were played with... and dinner was made! A beautiful Christmas with amazing people... can't get much better than that! And if I am being honest, I truly miss the holiday.
"I really don't want to be wearing an apron."
Christmas Day was quite the afternoon for reading! This was the sight around the house literally all day!
Another table setting for another delicious holiday meal! Between you and me, I can't stand Thanksgiving turkey (and about everything else on the table). Christmas is far more my pace... ham, pistachio salad, sweet potato muffins, smoked weenies (is that what they're called??) and a fresh salad. Can we say yum? I'm still getting over the Christmas goodness!!
Christmas 2011..... One in and for the history books!

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