Can you believe it? It is a brand new year already. I just helped my parents take down their Christmas tree and undecorate their house... it kinda bummed me out for two reasons: 1) the holidays really are over, and 2) I have my own home to undecorate in the coming week. I hate pulling out those tubs and packing everything away. Ugh!
But I will say, I went to bed January 1st at around 1 o'clock in the morning excited. Excited for this new year of life. It's like a gift I can't wait to open! For those who know me, I am pretty up-to-date on current events going on in the nation and the world, and if I keep my eyes on only those situations, it's hard to see the big picture and to not worry. But I crawled into bed, knowing my God is on the throne, and He has amazing plans for me and for us in this coming year. I have lists of goals and things I wish to accomplish... but nothing more than growing more in love with my Lord!
Happy New Year to you all!

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