Friday, January 20, 2012

Ups & Downs...& Bounty Paper Towels

Staring at a blank blog post is nearly as daunting as those little blue essay books back in college. Sometimes I swear I can feel the blush rush to my cheeks just staring at all the negative space. (I don't know about you, but I haaated those blue books! I either couldn't fill them up enough, or ran out of space. Never just right!) 

A lot has been going on in this head of mine. In the first few weeks of a new year my mind is filled with goals and dreams and plans of action... It's all a good thing! And this year especially I (we, really, the hubby is always my partner in crime and goodness!) am so motivated and encouraged in multiple areas and directions to make positive changes and improvements.

I have always held the belief that once the devil sees what good you're up to, he sends in his forces to throw you off track. To bring you down, to give you doubt.. it starts with the little foxes (Song of Solomon 2:15) and before you know it, life seems like a mess of ungodly attitudes, emotional imbalance and heaven knows what else. You're staring at a scene called life, and it mirrors those Bounty commercials where milk is dripping off the table, mud prints from the kids has been tracked in through the house (on white carpet of course!) dirty water from the messy dog is all over the walls, and somehow jelly is on your clothing, and you think what on earth just happened? 

That was my week. What happened was for one moment, a little fox made its way into our life and ate away at my peace. But gloriously, God is on the throne. Amen and amen. For the last three days my time with the Lord has now nailed into this stubborn head of mine the exact same message, by three completely different books, from three different eras of history. (I LOVE it when that happens!!) And God is the same God of yesterday and today, and forevermore. Amen and amen.

The Ups for this week:
*Thank God for His faithfulness! My peace is on the mend and I am feeling my spirits lift!
*Getting rid of DirectTV! Loving the fact that we have that out of the house. So much more mental freedom knowing that's gone!
*My hubby is taking me on a date tonight and yes, I'm pretty excited! (Curled my hair and everything!) He's even seeing a movie he has no interest in... for me! :)
*The one good week of angel kitty. Miss Scarlett has been like a dove from heaven since we returned to VA and we have loved it. But Miss Terror returned yesterday...

*Spiritual struggles. And Bounty commercials of life. I sure wish there was a quicker picker way to put life back together immediately! Character never happens overnight though...
*Miss Terror. She's back to dumping my water and stealing my straws, kicking off our table place mats and running around like she's in charge. Holy heck, she makes me crazy!
*Newt Gingrich. I'm challenging myself to not speak malice toward others... and this one is going to be a challenge for sure! Let's just say, I don't like the man.

Happy weekend, everyone!

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