Thursday, January 19, 2012

Leather Jackets & Vintage Flair

My mom entered the room holding a weathered leather jacket and asked me if I thought Strom would like it. I raised my eyebrows and kind of chuckled as I pictured him actually saying yes and wearing it. "I can't imagine him wanting it, but I'd ask him anyway... He sometimes surprises me with how odd he is." I didn't think much of it and returned to reading my book. 

I looked up only moments later and in walked James Dean. (Okay, not really, but it made me do a double take when I saw Strom with the jacket on!) I just stared at him and laughed. Not a bad laugh, mind you! A laugh that was pleasantly surprised with what I saw before my eyes! He looked good in that old leather jacket! My mom and I giggled as we said he looked like The Fonz. 

"Oh! Oh! You so need to comb your hair to the side! Oh! And roll your pants up a little! Oh my gosh, do you have a clean white t-shirt?? Oh just grab your black dress shoes. No, it doesn't matter that they're black and not brown. This is way too much fun!" 

And would you believe, he actually did it. He actually combed his hair, put on a white t-shirt and tucked it in. For me. He cuffed his pants and walked into the room and put on the funniest show of 1950's-60's flair. 

It. Was. Awesome. 

All in all, the moment was over in 8 minutes, but oh the memory! And to my glory, he allowed my camera to enter the moment and I grabbed a few pictures. I do love that man.

And wouldn't you know, that old leather jacket is hanging in his closet now! ;)

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