Friday, September 28, 2012

Blank Pages

Blank pages... Sometimes I stare at them and don't know where to start. Do you know that feeling where you have so much on your heart and mind, but when asked "Whatcha thinking?" you simply say "Oh, nothing." Because really, even though a thousand and one ideas are running through your mind at any given moment, there is no way to put any of them into words. It's easier to carry on in your own thoughts. 

Please tell me I'm not alone! 

So much of life is just this. Thoughts. Dreams. Goals. Fears. Burdens. Memories. Prayers. It's easy to drown in them all. To be overcome by concerns for the future. To be lost in the sadness of memories. To feel the longing of unfulfilled dreams. The frustration in falling short of goals. The carrying of not only your own burdens, but those of others...

But then there is prayer. Not a presented list of wishes and requests, but sweet communication with our great God. A conversation that plants and grows peace in our hearts. All those thoughts and worries fall at the feet of His love and mercy and all else no longer matters. 

What does matter is His unending faithfulness, His grace and mercy. He is forever present, reminding you that it is not for you to carry the weight of the world. To give your thoughts and concerns to Him and He will carry you through. We just have to be willing to let go of them.  

And then somehow... you look down at that metaphorical blank page and realize it's no longer empty. You no longer feel that mixture of confusion and heaviness. Maybe there are no answers other than "Wait," but that's just it... It's His answer. Do we really need more than that? 

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