Thursday, February 2, 2012

A Moment of Honesty

Recently I read a blog post from one of my absolute favorite photographer duos in the world, Justin & Mary Marantz, that captivated my attention. It was one of those moments that I wanted to look over my shoulder and double check that I wasn't being spied on, or wonder if my journal and thoughts were being monitored... Because I kind of felt like Mary's Post was written for me. (Craaazy weird and awesome when that happens, right?).  

The post (in a nutshell) talked about being honest and being real, and how often we allow our actions and thoughts to be dictated by what we think others want to see or read... Rather than just being ourselves and embracing it. The problem with being our authentic selves is that it is a vulnerable processes. I myself am afraid of alienating a portion of readers if I truly put my heart out there and wrote about what is important to me. 

But the thing is... I wouldn't be me if I hid behind carefully selected words, or displayed an image that was popular, but not mine. God made me the way that I am for a reason, and I want to live my life as fully for His joy and purpose as I humanly can. 

And just like Mary shared, for me, it's going to start by writing one honest thing.

And honestly, one is the loneliest number. I can't ever stop at one. That is why I have to stay away from cookies and candy, because before I know it, the whole row of Oreos is missing, and I have black teeth and crumbs around my lips. I'm quiet and somewhat reserved, but I am not the least bit shy. I may not come rushing into the room and instantly connect with you and have you wanting me to be your bff, but if we stick it out, you'll have a friend 'til your dying day. I hate acronyms. Like bff. I shudder at the thought of having used one...any of, omg, wtf... but unfortunately, due to text talk, I do use lol. I have a love/hate relationship with Facebook; it's great because I can stay in touch with my family, and it's an amazing business tool, but when did it become a place to vent your complaints to? I take my coffee light and sweet. As seen above. Yes, I like a little coffee in my sugar and I like it just fine. I would love to be that Toms wearing girl who loves to be carefree and look like a college student or an American Eagle ad 24/7, but I would so rather be wearing a pair of riding boots and skinny jeans. Or heels. Only, when I have that pretty dress and a pair of heels on, I'm dreaming of my sweatpants. Only, they're not my sweatpants, I stole them from my husband. They're man pants. And they fit me. (Yikes?) Sometimes I lack the self-confidence to conquer my dreams, but then I remember that my confidence comes from the Lord and am reminded that He has a plan... and that a little hard work never hurt anyone. I didn't grow up with girlfriends, so if I don't know how to be one, just bear with me in love...I'll get there! As soon as Lady Gaga comes on the radio I immediately scream "La la la!" as I reach for the station dial and change it as quickly as I can. But usually, Talk Radio is playing instead of music. That's right. Conservative Talk Radio. I'm a lover of the Constitution and don't like anyone who wants to change it. Although my husband tells me I am a drama queen, I soundly remind him I am dramatic. Not a drama queen. There is a big difference.

These are the little pieces of me.... The honest, real me.


Nicole said...

You "fotgot" to mention that you have a soft spot for boybands and that exhaustion tends to make you appear drunk in the wee hours of the night... lol. ;)

Just a couple of the many things I know about you. hahahaha

Regan said...

Oh my gosh, you are so right! You are one of the few people who know such strange oddities about me! I love that you do. :)